What is your greatest fear? For some, it's death. For many others, the fear of standing up and talking in front of others is far greater than death itself. How about the fear of starting something new? Fear of failure? Fear of success?
It is this last fear that drives me to this venture - posting my comments, my vision and my progress for all to see. For me, it is a fear that lay dormant until I come face to face with my success. I enjoy success; it brings me happiness and joy. Success puts food on the table and keeps the electric on for another day. Although with success also comes the pressure - the pressure to continue that success. I am now viewed differently because I have done it once before; therefore, I am expected to continue succeeding. Sometimes the pressure is just too much! I am face to face with my fear again.
And I retreat. I am too scared to continue.
All this fear is creating more fear and more barriers to take down later down my road to ultimate success - the place where I've said, "I made it!" So, how do I conquer the fear of success? By continuing to succeed.
I once heard a speaker say from stage, "Pain is in the vicinity of victory." In other words, in order to obtain victory, I have to endure pain. Nobody likes pain; why would I be any different? I am scared of the pain I will endure on the road to victory.
Because ultimately, I like victory. I want to be number one. I want people to say, "Look that's her, that's the famous woman."
Work is involved in any victory. Nobody climbed to the top of any endeavor without putting in the effort and making sacrifices. Overnight successes are not made over night. There is work involved, hard strenuous and painful work. But I don't like pain, and I am unfortunately 'ambitiously lazy'. I fear the pain again. Help!
It's time to get over it! It's time to embrace success, time to massage it, time to make it my own. So, here I go. There's plenty of room at the top, and I intend to take my rightful place.
Pain - here I come. Victory - you are mine! I put aside my fears by working through, around and over my obstacles.
"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes." - Mohandas Karamchand Gandi
I am young, strong, powerful and successful.
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