Have you ever heard the expression, "When one door closes, another one opens?" Or maybe you've heard this one, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade?" Either one you choose, something good always comes from something bad.
I am a firm believer in this saying; although I did not come to be a believer easily. When you're stuck in the middle of something hard, you're feeling depressed and sad with apparently no light at the end of the tunnel. Well let me tell you something about this feeling; it will pass and there is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes you have to work hard, even very hard to get to the light.
Oops, did I say that dirty little four-letter word?
Yes, I said, "Work."
Time to get to it. Or, should I say, time to look at things a little differently, from a different perspective. Many times we, or I, have a hard time seeing the other perspective. I often times used to see only my point of view, until one day, there was no more to see. I felt like I had lost my way. I was conducting business and talking with people, but wasn't really moving forward. I felt surrounded by things out of my control. As one who likes to be in control, this was hard to deal with.
Help! What do I do?!
After much self-loathing and pondering the why and how could I be feeling this way, a cloud was lifted. I started to feel like myself again. I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. With this one ounce of light, hope, positive perspective, I was ready to go to work.
That was it - perspective. Looking at things from a different point of view, from the other person's vantage. Maybe their perspectives were subconscious; they didn't know what their point of view actually was.
A week has gone by since I first had my perspective changed. In the past, I would feel defeated by what I heard. Instead, I felt growth and armed with new knowledge that I am not stuck with my self-loathing and depression. I could now use this knowledge to grow more and more every day in my pursuit of happiness. And today, I used this 'weapon' of perspective to gain the upper hand again. At least the upper hand in my perspective, which is all I need to move forward to the light of success and happiness.
Not only has another door opened for me in this rather dark time, but a couple of windows are opening too. I encourage you to find your next door and crack open a window too.
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