Eight weeks ago a small group of people came to me to continue their training. The goal was the Mud Blast - Sacramento River near Colusa. A couple of weeks went by and the group started growing.
The training started with boot camp to break them. There were lots of groans and complaining about not being able to do one more repetition. I pushed them and cheered them. Week after week, they kept coming back.
The last week was upon us. We had one big, hard workout and one easy workout left. Then, it was race day.
Bright and early we arrived at the race site. The sun started to come up and the participants started to arrive. Then, I saw them - the Sludge Hammers, jazzed up and ready to go. We posed for a picture before mud running.
The waves continued to start and participants ran by us one by one. We cheered as we saw them before mud and after mud, heading to the finish line and a river shower.
Just before the start of the Mini Mud Run, I saw a vision in mud. The Sludge Hammers were making their way to the finish.
The next day I got a message from one of the Sludge Hammers thanking me for the training that got them through the Mud Blast course. This year's course was much tougher than last year's thanks to the hard work of some key people. There were triple the obstacles this year, and by the time the Sludge Hammers made it to through the course, it was deep mud. As you can see, they were covered from head to toe.
Can the training continue even after the race? Yes, it can! This week we will continue with the training. What race are we training for next? Not sure. Maybe we are just training for training's sake.